About the Ship Vanja
When Vanja is completed, she will sail around Denmark and deliver cultural experiences in the form of concerts, stand-up, lectures, theater, diverse networking events . and much more.
Vanja will also serve as a sanctuary for vulnerable children who need good, loving experiences.
As Vanja is furnished with 16 beds in seven cabins, she will also be used as a Bed & Breakfast. We call it BBB & B.
"beautiful boat bed and breakfast"

We believe that all children have the right to good, loving experiences
The Forgotten Children
Children who are forgotten in everyday life. Of friends, family and the close relationships. Children with different needs - different backgrounds and different stories.
Kids do not need a lot of things! They need to have good experiences. Children should not feel lonely, and children should not be afraid that someone will beat them.
It is in the hands and interest of all of us to help these children.
Our contribution is that we will use Vanja to give them some good and real experiences.
Why are we asking you if you want to help us with this?
Give the ship Vanja DKK 1 a day. Almost anyone can do that if they want to. Will you?

Become part of the project
When you support us, you become part of a fantastic project that helps vulnerable children to have some experiences they otherwise would not have had the opportunity to have.